
We Are All About Helping People 

Our mission is to help people experiencing homelessness in the greater Washington DC area. We are a small, 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization. 

We serve about 1000 clients annually. Our clients are between 18 and 65 years old and represent many races, ethnic groups, life situations, and belief systems. Those we help walk everywhere they go, carrying their heavy and bulky belongings with them. We provide hygiene items, backpacks to protect and carry their belongings, and flashlights to provide a sense of security. Our clients report that they generally cannot get the items we provide, and they are in great demand. We operate lightly as we have a solely volunteer workforce, and we have little overhead costs. 

We are addressing an unmet societal need in a new way that larger agencies cannot, especially because we work on the street where our clients are, we systematically distribute hygiene items, and because we are an all-volunteer group.

Client Demographics

Our clients are people apparently 18 and older. We do not have precise demographic information to describe our clients because we do not specifically ask clients to report about themselves. However, many of our clients chat with us and reveal some information about themselves. From these conversations and our observations, we estimate the following:

  1. About 50% stay in Silver Spring, MD.
  2. About 40% stay in Ward 4, Washington DC.
  3. About 40% are Black/African American.
  4. About 20% are Hispanic/Latino.
  5. Over 15% are age 50 or older.
  6. Over 15% are immigrants.
  7. About 25% are women.
  8. Essentially 100% are indigent.
  9. An unknown number suffer from mental illnesses.
  10. An unknown number have drug or alcohol abuse problems.
  11. They have a large variety of religious beliefs and personal philosophies.
  12. Over 20% have unmet, chronic medical conditions.
  13. Over 20% have unmet, chronic dental conditions.
  14. They sleep rough, in shelters, in vehicles, or they couch surf.
  15. Most are concerned about their personal safety.

Objectives for 2024 and 2025

Our goal is to provide hygiene items, toiletries, backpacks, flashlights, and gently used clothing once monthly to about 1,000 people annually. We have expanded our goal to include feminine hygiene products. If possible, we will provide nonperishable food. 

You Can Help

Write to us to see how you can help: atheistshelping@gmail.com.

You can donate to Atheists Helping the Homeless DC at our Wish List at Amazon.com. Scan the choices, buy what you can, and it will be delivered directly to us for distribution to our clients. It’s as simple as that. Or you can use the PayPal button below. Or visit our Donate page


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#atheists helping

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