Multiple Factors
Homelessness is caused by various multiple factors. Some act individually and some act in concert. This information comes from Understanding Homelessness: Causes and Effects.
Lack of Adequate Income
Contrary to popular belief, not all people who are homeless are jobless. Some of them have jobs. Unfortunately, they’re just not earning enough to afford rent. The minimum wage is a harsh mistress.

Affordable Housing
No Access to Affordable Housing
As more and more people flock to the cities, the demand for housing is increasing. As a result, rents have skyrocketed. In major cities, people now have to spend more than half of their monthly income on rent alone. This leaves low-income earners with no choice but to live in their cars or in shelters.
Rental Discrimination
Rental discrimination is so rampant in the US that a law was even created to prevent it. Despite this, it is still pretty common. It’s not unheard of for people to be turned out of rental homes just because of their color, race, or religion. Housing inequality and segregation was the norm in the 20th century, even if the Fair Housing Act of 1968 sought to erase racial discrimination; it continues today. Housing inequality has continued into the 22nd century.
According to research, only about 37% of US homes are free and clear of mortgages. This means that more than 60% of homeowners in the country are bound in a mortgage. But with tighter mortgage laws in the past few years, many Americans are losing their homes to foreclosure. Oftentimes, victims of foreclosure have nowhere to turn to and are forced into homelessness.
Lack of Education
Education helps someone get a better job. Unfortunately, not all of us have access to it. Those who don’t often end up in low-paying menial jobs. That is if they can find employment at all. With no jobs, they obviously cannot afford to rent much less own a home. The lowest paid are at peril for homelessness.
According to a 2018 report from National Alliance to End Homelessness, African Americans “make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.”
Failed Relationships
A divorce or a bad break-up can cause someone to end up homeless. This is especially true for women and children. Most of those who find themselves in family shelters are victims of domestic abuse.
Mental Health Issues
It’s an undeniable fact that our country’s jails and pavements have become our de facto mental institution. You may not notice it but many people who are homeless are suffering from various forms of mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. This usually prevents them from getting a job or holding on to a job; thus they become homeless.

Death of a Loved One
Death of a Loved One
Losing a loved one can have a profound effect on us. It can lead to depression and a tendency to “let go” of ourselves. For children, the loss of a parent or both parents can put them in a very vulnerable situation. Most of them don’t have anyone willing to take them in so they often end up in foster homes or on the streets.
We all have things we are addicted to. But some addictions can ruin lives. Unfortunately, our society’s preprogrammed reaction to addiction, particularly illegal drugs, is endless condemnation. People with addictions are often derided by the people who could help them. This is why people end up on the streets.
Family Problems
A lot of the kids who end up in shelters have run away from home, mostly due to family problems.
Lack of Mental Health Support
Despite the country’s glaring problem with mental health, it only has a little over 600 non-federal psychiatric hospitals. The country also has less than 5,000 outpatient facilities. While the National Institute of Mental Health estimates that there are about 46.6 million adults in the US who are living with a mental disorder.
Lack of Access to Medical Care
The rising costs of medical care in the country often put disadvantaged people in perpetual debt. The money that was supposed to be for rent also goes to their medical expenses. So it’s no wonder why a lot of them get turned out from their homes.
Read more: Homelessness in America–Overview of Data and Causes
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